TOEE is becoming too easy.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by blackfly, Dec 14, 2004.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Maybe the liberal media jerk-offs'? :shrug:
  2. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    I know...let's blame this guy...

  3. Dragon_Awakened

    Dragon_Awakened Wandering Warrior

    Mar 3, 2006
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    To stick to the subject I think it greatly varies by each person's style of play. Although I play a Neutral Good party with all members being of the Neutral Good alignment I almost approach the game in a Lawful Good aspect. I'm there to oppose the rise of the new temple and its agents. I don't use any disguises (black flame cloaks, elemental temple robes, etc.) I go in and engage any foes I find. Sure this costs me in the long run but my overall goal of stopping the Temple's rise or return to power is reached. In all my games I have caught the thief in Waterside Hostel and when challenged by Rentch let the fight play out. No quests coming from there. Dockside Tavern; I fight Tolub and typically win (my barbarian is a bit of a brute but watching her kick "The King of Pirate Brawler's" arse is a thing of beauty. Last time around I hit him so hard I was able to knock him out and loot him of his gear (including that +3 ring of Protection) then hit him with a cure light wounds and get him to pay me the 100gp on top of that. No real quests there with the exeption of some assassination mission against Lodriss. Being good aligned I am not too sure openly taking an "assassination" mission is alignment safe. When given the chance to bribe the gnolls into abandoning the moathouse I choose to fight them. Why? If I let a large group of evil humanoids run out into the countryside they could harm farmers or travellers not so adept at taking care of themselves. The blood from that event would be just as much on my hands as it would be on the hands of the gnolls that actually did the killing. In the aspect of serving all I even help out the local goblins by eliminating potential invaders to their hunting grounds, it evens out.
    Because the entire party consists of women I cannot do some things especially when it comes to the brothel. The only quests I can get from there is to get one prostitute to turn tricks and streightening out the twerp from Hommlet. It doesn't look at the moment like I will be able to complete DH because of one person there. I found Serena's sister but even after pulling Serena into my party I cannot get the sister to talk to us, dead end. My 10th level rogue and cleric both have high social skills and cannot convince the person poisoning jay's sheep to reveal who is putting him up to it. I have considered charm person on that situation. There is much to do and some of it leaves me a bit cautious. For me the game is rather tough. Granted I use 7 pc's (wish I could use 8 but you need a free space to help out Prince Thromell. After helping the prince however you are left with a bit of a dilemma, or at least I am. In keeping with an all female party I have only two npc options Serena who is a 3rd lvl rogue or that druid of an unknown level hidden in the temple. Because I have no druids or neutral aligned characters the druid will not join my party. I'm stuck with a 3rd level rogue while all my characters are sitting at 10th! It's like having an annoying little sister that wants to help but simply isn't capable of it. I have worked her up into 2 levels of fighter and have her dual-wielding a masterwork rapier and light mace for the moment. (I didn't have any other weapon to give her at the time she got the Dual-Wield (two_weapon_fighting). I am in the lowest level of the temple (approaching the fight with Senshock and Hedrack. If I take her in there now I can guarantee she will be a casualty.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  4. Ugignadl

    Ugignadl Established Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Ted's a champion, and continually adding content to TOEE; something the OP wanted, and something that is actually relevant to this thread.

    If we are really going to have a respawning area in the game then great. Maybe an easier idea would be to take the big treasure portions of TOEE (like Frostbrand) and instead take them from a treasure list, i.e. randomly generate most of the high level treasure. That would add some spice to starting a party.

    I also agree that TOEE is too easy. But hey. That's what a group of Chaotic Evil Half-Orc Barbarians are take (almost) no quests, kill everybody in Hommlet and Nulb, and have a (somewhat) difficult game :). At least it was fun.
  5. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Charm animal on the bear makes it even easier. I have been killing the giant on lvl 3 since vanilla TOEE without stealing the elven armour, makes it a tad more challenging :thumbsup:

    I guess removing the lvl cap does make it unbalanced a bit. Some of the early fights are still tough - the drow in declo, hill giant and Rainbow rock, the Temple Tower fight (dam that one's been buffed up so much, I've been having trouble with a 5-person lvl6 party!!)

    Some of the random encounters are pretty bad too - like, getting attacked by 6 will-o-wisps.

    A lot of the later stuff's definitely too easy though, since there's all that new content:

    -Imeryds run (I usually get there lvl5-6, very easy)
    -All the temple clerics
    -Senshok (i meak, the high mage should not go down this easy)
    -Node demons, except Balor
    -Verbobonc and final DH fight should definitely be harder as well.

    I guess the best thing to do right now to make the game harder is use smaller parties, up to a solo.

    PS Dam, I just ressurrected an ancient thread. Maybe I should train as a cleric, I seem to have a knack for it XD

    EDIT: I just noticed that crafting became HUGELY overpowered, you can put on up to 10 enchantments on the weapons, making them stronger than anything that exists in the game! I made a +3 keen defending holy flaming flaming burst shock trident just for the kicks... That thing is seriously scary... Shouldn't there be some kind of more sensible limit to crafting rather than the maximum amount of lines that fit into the crafting window? I suggest up to 5 enchantments or something, so that the swords of Answering remain the strongest weapons in the game...
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  6. Kamanze

    Kamanze 7th son of a 7th son

    Sep 28, 2008
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    This may be a end game spoiler!

    I thought that Zuggtmoy was f-ing hard. Only way I really beat her was all of my party was dead, including scorpp, and she used every turn attacking my dwarven cleric which would only take non-lethal damage. I dont know if it was his mithril armor or what but it saved my ass. I think he was up to 1000 non-lethal or something. That allowed my wizard to sit back and use cone of cold from the ice staff to off her. Oh and whats with the elementals you summon from the orb not really doing jack to help you? I think they even attack you!

    PS in wikipedia zuggtmoy is presumed released from the temple. It goes on to talk about the 222nd layer of the abyss she shares with Juiblex. Sounds like one hell of an expansion if you ask me! I suggest checking it out
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  7. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Re: This may be a end game spoiler!

    I dunno, summoning the four demons from the orb definitely makes life easier. And if one or two do get confused or scared, they normally kill off each other. Alternatively, you can destroy the orb, and Zuggy will have less HP. Basically if you have Scather of Frag Zuggtmoy doesn't last long at all. Aslo, Spiritual weapons are your friends, they tend to attract Zuggy's attention ^__^
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