Temple questions

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Basil the Timid, Sep 8, 2008.

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  1. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    There's nothing else there (that I know of) other than the ladder in the well.
    I believe the ruined house map is now the cave lair. This is where you'll fight the orcs when you get the town elder quest and then you'll meet the ogre's here dutring one of the Tempe quests.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I think we should avoid making references to these modded map changes unless they are specific to bug reports. For all practical purposes, the Cave Lair map is still the cave lair map, the burnt farmhouse map is still that, etc., etc. The only changes are in the inner workings of the game and shouldn't have any gameplay impact now that they've been implemented correctly.

    @Basil, the ruined house map doesn't feature (and never has) anything in particular. It's just there.
  3. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Thanks Gaear. That was the burning question on my mind - aside from the new one here:

    I'm always eager to learn!
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    A typical PC line from a dialogue file follows this format:

    {Line Number}{PC response}{I forget what this does; normally nothing}{intelligence qualifier}{conditions qualifier}{[B][U]go to line number[/U][/B]}{conditions setter}
    Change the number in the 6th set of brackets to get an NPC to respond with the indicated dialogue number. For example, it may say 160 now, but changing it to 70 will get her to say what you think she should.

    Always test; you never know how changes will affect other dialogue trees.
  5. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    I see the solution you are talking about - it would be a temporary and personal fix. But I am still curious to find the proper fix. So, I tried another way since I did not see any mention of the flag regarding the dispelling. So, at the end of line 70, I added

    game.global_flags[148] == 1

    Unfortunately, it changed nothing.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, it would only be personal if you didn't share it with anybody else, and it would only be temporary if you reverted to the old way at some point. ;)

    At any rate, if all you want to do is make her respond the way you think is actually correct, then all you'd need to do is change the dialogue line number in the sixth set of brackets as I pointed out. Setting the flag to 1 probably wouldn't have any great impact, since you've already talked to her.

    Also, to set the flag (last set of brackets), you need a single '=.'

    I haven't tested this yet myself, sorry.
  7. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Workaround is ok, but I suppose someone will need to rework Paida's dialog. I tried taking her across to world map to see if she would start complaining (but perhaps that only happens if you take her around the temple).

    New issue: Ronald has the golden orb but the game crashes if I pass it to a PC. Will it ever be necessary for a PC to have it in inventory?
  8. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    What triggers Cuthbert to show his face (for my LG group)?

    Also, how does one disarm the electric trap? Talking to the light sure does nothing.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  9. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Cuthbert shows up a few moments after Iuz appears. You have roughly 2 minutes, I guess, to survive Iuz and the rest. Important note, DON'T kill Hnedrack qucikly. He's the one who summons Iuz. I wacked him quick once and Iuz never got the chance to say HI!

    I was able to disarm the electric trap with my thief. Can't remember the EXACT specifics, but I think I just used her high disable device skill.
  10. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    2 minutes? 20 rounds???? You've got to shitting me! I'm thinking Displacement is the key to survival. Does Acid Arrow bypass SR?

    My strategy was to send my scouts around that level: one rescuing Paida and another finding a backroute to Hedrack. Teleported out, completed DH, came back. My NPC rogue could not disable it (+13 modifier). Interestingly, I didn't see any mention of it in the roll counter box. Search (+15 modifier) on the box revealed "nothing found"

    So I resolved to use the trap to my advantage by luring them to me. I sent the monk to go nose to nose with Hedrack. Let's say he carried a string with him so Spugnoir could figure out the coordinates of his Ice Storm. Caught 10 guys plus punched Hedrack. I was disappointed that only three gargoyles and a few bugbears pursued. The electricity trap turns off during combat (interesting!). Spuggy and Serena instigate combat with the trolls on either side of the trap. I'd like to believe that they could hear the combat and come out, but we got the jump on them.

    I forgot to mention that Zaxis got electrocuted when the trap restarted after the last pursuing bugbear was killed.

    Anyway, it was an interesting fight for my full level 10 group. How can I get more monsters and Hedrack to give chase?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  11. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    The electrical trap can only be disarmed by a high level PC rogue. NPC's can't do it, as IIRC the disarm is done through dialog. Whenever I run a party w/o a rogue high enough to disarm the trap, I use the combat exploit to send my party through w/o setting it off.

    Cuthbert shows up more like 4-6 rounds after Iuz, not 20.
  12. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    It's also really fun to see Senshok walking back through the trap and die in it =)
  13. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Sorry for the confusion, I was talking about real time re: Iuz and Cuthbert. It seems that Iuz stays around for @ 30 seconds to maybe a minute and a half of real time. Then Cuthbert shows up.

    The trick is letting Hendrack survive long enough to summon Iuz and then holding out against Iuz until Cuthbert shows.
  14. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Thanks Erkper and Emirkol.

    My party should strangle Kent for saying that Rogues aren't so important.

    Ausdoert, how did you get an enemy to enter that trap?

    I had also tried to have my bowmen to shoot from the hallway to Hedrack but it said it was too far. I wonder what the real limit should be because I don't think that distance was 550 feet. Even when the distance was closed a bit, it said too far.
  15. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    I remember in the old playthrough of 5.0.4 Senshock walks between his room and the main hall (I'm not sure if that was removed in 5.0.6 or what), and the trap is in his way. I think he either does it at a certain time, or after you talk to him in the main hall. I doubt there's a reasonable way to get it done in combat mode.
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