HELLO circle of eight, what are you?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Netjack, Jan 8, 2008.

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  1. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    So I get this rare game from a friend who says that if you love D&D you will love this game, and what do you know he is right.

    I try to install it on my main computer, but apparently ran into some monitor refresh rate problem. So I ran this game on my laptop.

    So after 15 - 25 hours of total time "not necessarily advancing the game" I find this mod that apparently not only fixes that problem, "which it did woot" but add a nice pack of stuff.

    The problem is I have to start all over again to enjoy the benefits. I've grown quite found of my current rag tag team, and would hate to have to end their story before it got anywhere.

    So my question, what does this mod actually do, I can seem to find a description for Circle_of_Eight_Mod_Pack_5.0.0_Final.exe . As far as I know, it makes the game runable, adds new quests, and allows you to reach level 20. "Opportunist and slippery mind? MADNESS!"

    Does this mod warrant starting all over again, and scraping my current game. I also heard the AI is smarter too.

    Also, if I do use the level uncapped, Will the all the enemies be the same level, or can they go up to 20 as well. I would hate just stopping through the game because I am far beyond thier limits. I guess I could try using only one or two character at that point instead of a full party....

    So what does this mod actually do anyway?
  2. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    You can install the Co8 mod and keep your current characters, but will need to start the game from the begining again as changes, all you'd have to do is copy the contents of your modules/ToEE/players folder (your characters) and paste them into the modules/Co8-5.0.0/players folder once you have installed the Co8 mod.

    The mod itself fixes a massive number of bugs, from the DX9.0c related looting bug, to thousands of dialogue fixes, improvements in the game code for timed events, more maps and encounters for random encounters, much smarter spellcaster AI, I could go on forever...

    The mod also adds new content, A shopping map to buy your starting equipment frombefore begining your adventure, the desperate housewives mod is mostly courier type quests, whith a new encounter at the end that is a challenging fight, Hickory Branch is a new area containing all manner of monsters that could get too hard to handle if your not careful, Verbobonc is a new area added to the game containing quests and combat as well a a few traders who sell some ofthe newer items we've added as well as a full selection of scrolls, and even (if you know how to find him) a magic weapons trader.

    By all means play the game with the first 3 patches, then give our mod a try if you'd really hate to start over, most people who have done so have commented on how much we have improved the game.
  3. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    What about the level cap? Will It just only allow me to go beyond level 10, or can everyone go beyond 10?

    Another question, does having the game difficulty on ironman actually make the game harder in the sense the enemy units will have more health and skill, or just only because you cant save and load when ever you make a mistake?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  4. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Level cap will let you go up to a combined level 20 for example you might have a multiclassed character, but once you reach a combined level of 20 you continue to gain xp but do not move up in levels anymore, which comes in handy for crafting items.

    Fighter: Lvl 3
    Cleric: Lvl 8
    Mage: Lvl 9

    Levels are maxed out because the accumlated levels are 20
  5. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    but all enemy units are at the same level regardless? I might not do that then, I do not want to walk around with a level 20 fighter/ranger who healths reaches around 200 hp, when everyone else struggles to get near 100.
  6. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Oh, that wouldn't be a problem. You could skip the lower encounters, and go for the juiciest ones, if you want.

    This isn't a pnp game, where the DM just throw hordes of orcs goblins and more that just throw themselves on your sword... :chainsaw:
    The AI it's really tricky, trying to do the best she can to kill you. Some creature would be easy (goblins) but a group of bugberas sometimes are really nasty...not to mention the Nodes, with creatures well over the 100 hp, DR and spell resistance...
    well, your'e going to need those 200 hp, and wish to have more ;)

    And wait for KotB, the AI would be the MOTHER of all bitc#3$ :eek:
  7. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    What KOTB?
  8. Spellman

    Spellman Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    KOTB = Keep on the Borderland, a new yet unpublished mod by the Co8.

    As for the current mod, it just basically completes the game that the original developers were too busy to complete decently. Or that's how I think about it. I never played the original and haven't missd it one bit.
  9. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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  10. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    I have one last question, but I might have to start a new topic for this question.

    Apparently the mod plasters that you need to turn off auto save for certain features to work. However I have the game set to iron man. Which saves after traveling to ever map regardless.

    Two questions, first, how do I turn this off, I have the box next to the auto save option with the X mark, I think that means off. Since I do not know what yes and no means, does the X on the box mean no or yes?

    Next question, does Ironman actually make the game harder? As in, enemy's health will be maxed out along with all their stats being generated with 18s, or is it just harder because you are not suppose to save or load, only save and quit? "There is ways around this, which is how I found out it autosaves every time you go into a new map regardless of the option".
  11. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    First of all to turn autosave off you have to uncheck the box
    (that means no X mark).

    Iron Man mode is more difficult as in there's only one save
    you can save on, and it's an autosave made by the game
    every time you exit.
  12. Netjack

    Netjack Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    When is switch to a map and quit "not but save and quit, but by pretty much crashing the game :p" It seems to have a save the last time I switched map, regardless of the option.

    Will the game tell you that it auto saved, or will it just do it, also, how do I add more portraits I love making characters in this game but I have a problem with an actual amount of faces I can use.

    I use the faces for quick reference to who is who, but only about 2 of them are ever actually fits the character race and class in certain cases.
  13. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    There's a portrait pack in the downloads section.
    Check it out.

    BTW, generally, Iron Man is not recommended because
    saves tend to get corrupt. In Iron Man mode, the game
    autosaves independently of your setting thus not letting
    you benefit from all features of Co8 mod. Start a normal
    game, disable autosaves and save frequently and on different
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