Playful NPCs 1.4 - Back from the Dead!

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Shiningted, Dec 31, 2008.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Our first add-on pack :)

    Playful NPCs v 1.4 contains the long-awaited Resurrection bug fix: now, critters brought back via the Raise Dead spell will fire their san_resurrect scripts. Particularly useful if you spend a lot of time chatting to Filliken and happen to have a deceased Meleny in your party: also good if you kill a Temple priest or some other personality out of order, or to make sure your kills (and un-kills) are correctly recognised in the end-slides.

    Does not work with Reincarnation (yet), nor if Cuthbert does the raising (untested).

    This is being released as an incarnation of Playful NPCs because I have taken the liberty of adding voiced comments to the NPC followers when they are raised, on the grounds that if someone just brought you back from the dead, you'd probably say something. Like "thankyou". Or "help, I'm still on 1HP". Or "I really should go home and rethink my life". And thats pretty much what the characters now say. I've also given all the NPC followers a +20 reaction for being raised, though this won't stop them going hostile if you were the one that actually killed them.

    I've also added a few enter-combat and dying voices for a couple of NPCs I missed in previous incarnations of Playful NPCs (such as Sargen and Rufus). All in all, there are over 40 extra voiced moments included in this pack.

    Now... this does not require a new game to make the basic san_resurrect scripts fire, but for new ones I have introduced, it does require a new game. Elmo would be a good example: didn't originally have a san_resurrect script, does now, so you would certainly need a new game to hear what Elmo has to say on being raised (actually, he has a few things to choose from). But it won't break saves or anything, and it isn't worth starting a new game for. Just be aware of that for the NPCs you already have in your party.


    - Extract the .rar file to your root (Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil) folder. When you have done this, you will have a new folder in that folder, called Addons, alongside data, modules, docs etc. If you don't, you did it wrong.

    - Now run TFE-X and (with Co8 5.5.0 activated) press the button marked 'add-on packs'. You should have one! Install it. Notice the warning about how this 're-activates' Co8 5.5.0, so if you have been hacking your to make Meleny 10' tall and (more) goddess-like, that will all be lost.

    - Wait patiently while the game re-activates.

    - Select Options / Clean Game Cache on Startup (not essential but never hurts!)

    - Press play.

    Enjoy! Any issues, please post in this thread. And just to head off the obtuse questions, this is an add-on pack for Co8 5.5.0 run under TFE-X: it is not designed for, nor compatible with, any other piece of software on the face of the planet. So don't ask. You know who you are.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2008
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Curses! The fix included a changed version of Meleny's dlg (used for testing purposes). Thats now been removed: if anyone had downloaded it, please do so again.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Bump! I really must put this somewhere....
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