Let's Talk About Hickory Branch

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    hey, don't get mad, Krunch, we where just brainstorming!

    I personally like the HB, since it takes a good deal of time to complete (a huge map full of creatures isn't that easy to complete, since you can't rest or anything, you need tactics and fine work :) )
    We criticized (sp?) the map in a constructive manner; none said "bah, HB sucks, let's scrap it", we where just throwing ideas.
    You shouldn't feel ofended, as you know, there are lots of opinions and tastes, so everyone always want to say something.
    In any case, you've made your point pretty clear, and that should be enough. :)

    maybe we could use all these ideas in something different?

    But i still think that the outside map should need a few touches... :blush:
  2. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I also did not intend to offend, what I should have stated, was that I ran onto that modding tool myself when I was searching for mapping software, and I RECOGNIZED the area not that you just used it as it was.... again my apologies.
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Fair enough, krunch. That's all I was asking you to hold forth on in the first place. But we're not going to simply 'take over' your mod, so for practical purposes we'll have to consider this a plain no to the intial inquiry. Again, that's fine.

    I guess we need some answers on some other things though:

    1. Have you finished re-structuring HB for the endgame, as Allyx had been leaning toward in his rebalancing considerations? I ask this because for a new release I'll need to know if you intend for HB to stay as is or if you intend for it to be moved to the end. This will have an effect on what we'll need to do with the other expansions.
    2. Will the new crypt map in fact be released as an update to HB, either in conjunction with #1 above or not?
    3. Regarding the outdoor map, like HK I have no desire to offend you, but I do think that ideally all maps in ToEE should be done in a similar artistic vein. The HB outdoor map, being made with Diablo resources and tools as you say, thus looks more like Diablo than ToEE. It also appears to be of a lower resolution than ToEE's maps, which is probably understandable as Diablo predates ToEE. While there is obviously no 'evil intent' here, it does make it so that the map stands out in sort of a negative way. This is why I'd like to see it replaced. I have no such concerns with VP's post-production work, because he does it to basically professional standards and it thus looks indistinguishable from ToEE stuff, qulaity-wise. Likewise, I suspect that HK might achieve a similar result. So you've got another talented artist offering you his services - why not take him up on it? Or, as I indicated above, explore the possibilities of remaking the map with ToEE resources, Ted-style. At any rate, I'm happy to let all the other stuff go, but this is one change I'm really going to push for. Consider it 'pushing you to reach your full potential.'
    4. Have you made any progress with Old Book on the story? There's no way to avoid doing some plot work along these lines, whether it be to develop a move to the late game or just to provide some exposition on it's current state. There's been a fair amount of concern expressed over this in recent times, so it's really unavoidable. I haven't heard any reports on how that may be going, if at all, so please let us know.
    As an aside, I will say that I think your line of 'do what you want, best of luck' thinking seems to imply a sense of being wronged in some way that is a bit unfair. Since the beginning, everyone here has gone to great lengths to try to help and accomodate you with HB. Even in this thread, no one has said 'we're taking over, step aside;' indeed, the purpose of the thread was to seek your cooperation with improving things and to explore new possibilities. So if I may be so bold, please get off your pity pot. It's not fair to any of the rest of us.

    As for the rest of the general considerations for rebalancing ... leaving HB in the middle of the game would mean that either Verbomod or Moathouse Respawn would have to move to the start, under the plan I was proposing. I think Verbomod would basically be absurd as a start of the game adventure, and MR simply wouldn't fit there, regardless of how much re-statting and re-mobbing Ted might do, as your quest line would thus read 'first, go to Moathouse and clear, second, go to Moathouse and clear.' Therefore, we'll probably have to return to Allyx's plans of putting all the expansions at the end, TotWC style, or at least Verbo and MR. They can't all stay in the middle. This is going to be significantly more problematic for me, as I don't think I'm quite capable of engineering that feat myself. But we can save that for another thread.
  4. rbc

    rbc Shoggoth

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Umm, why not? If someone does make a new "HB-lite" for the early game, add it in for sure, but also keep the existing mid-game slug-fest. Reusing maps with different enemies is done for the orcs in the ogre cave, so why not HB?

    My big complaint about order of quests is that the nodes are way too easy, especially after doing all the other extra adventuring that my party is routinely 12th-14th level by the time I get there. Looking back at the original paper module, there should be at least a pair of dragons and a half-dozen of better (fire,cloud,etc.) giants in each one. I've been meaning to try my hand at modding that up for months now, but I haven't gotten to it yet.
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats a fair point, but its precisely why we are moving the midgame stuff: it makes the end game stuff like the nodes unbalanced.

    There are now red dragons in the protos.tab and strategy.tab if I am not mistaken, thuogh not implemented in the game yet.
  6. arkhamresident

    arkhamresident Inmate

    Apr 23, 2008
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    Well, I've an idea for HB. Bear with me as I've been drinking and after the libations I tend to become a bit verbose.

    Meet Mathel. He has it all. He's the man every other man hates and the man all the women want. He's attractive (high CHA), he's smart (high INT), he's athletic (high physical stats) and he's rich. Unfortunately for him he's very shortsighted and quite arrogant (about as wise as my left shoe).

    After the death of his parents (unfortunate accident involving a Deck of Many Things mistaken for a simple deck of playing cards) he had full control of his ancestral estate and funds. After many months of drunken debauching, drug use and all-around obscenity our poor Mathel became bored. He started to peruse his departed father's library and stumbled upon a few arcane texts which ignited in him a curiosity for magic.

    Many nights of ritual and study later he realized that this route to power was slow and steady, too slow for his impetuous temperament. After a chance encounter with a shady dealer in "forbidden texts" and an exchange of a large sum of coin our dear Mathel found himself in the possession of a rare, and quite dubious, copy of an ancient necromantic tome. Finding a ritual for lichdom he fervently acquired all the necessary reagents and completed the rituals required. Unfortunately the arcane rites contained within the book were flawed. The rites transformed him from the handsome, charismatic and intelligent Mathel into the rotting, stinking and dead Mathel.

    His hold on sanity having been tenuous prior to his transformation was completely severed and while he was naught but an animated corpse he thought himself to be a lich. While on his campaign to subvert the whole of Oerth to his will he had a chance encounter with Lareth. Lareth channeled the powers of his diety and gained control of Mathel.

    Mathel thinks himself an all powerful lich and having been commanded by Lareth he thinks the priest of Lolth to be nothing less than than a godly avatar. Lareth decides to use Mathel putting him in command of a small group of goblinoid and undead raiders until he can find a suitable replacement. Mathel, in his insanity, thinks all those under his command to be undead and revels in his newfound status. As for game stats I see him as having a couple of fighter levels and a few wizard levels would go well with his background. The Deathlock as mentioned by Cujo would work quite well coupled with a bit more martial endowment. If approached by an evil/neutral party he could be used as a segue into a quest for the extermination of a pesky cleric of a random good deity that has been plaguing his operation.

    EDIT: After paging through my DMG I rediscovered the aristocrat NPC class and from a roleplaying standpoint that may be more appropriate for Mathel than fighter levels.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Rather interesting plot, I must say. The whole HB matter remains up in the air for the time being though. We're still waiting for krunch to find it in himself to weigh in on things again instead of leaving us hanging. Will keep it in mind though if we are left completely holding the bag in the end. :thumbsup:
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah I like that plot - I guess its Gaear's "humanoids led by a zombie" idea, but it gives the zombie an interesting and relevant background.

    I would suggest the ship has sailed on HB - whatever is done with it, Krunch has formerly kyboshed HB as a low-level adventure. However, this is a good time to ask - do people want a low level adventure at the start of ToEE? An optional outing to get some XP, for those who are sick of fedexing and playing matchmaker? We've sort've been assuming this would be desirable, but public feedback on new content is always welcome. :)
  9. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Again, why not a HB respawned? :nervous:

    You can leave HB as it is (yes, it is a good adventure to compensate fedex quests, cos you can do a bit of it, go to do some fedex, and then back to HB...tho it would be cool if the orcs n goblins are aware that someone it's killing them in "chapters"), and add the undead plot as a later respawn (since now we can have all sorts of skeletons and zombies) and the many new stuff Krunch was planning if he shows up again -i hope-.

    An extra level with higher difficulty? the colosseum made of bones (kind of a death temple, i would love to do that), with a skeleton-zombie cheering crowd...fight to death undead beholders (rulebook creature), Dracoliche (rulebook monster) and finally the undead NPC with a good bunch of nice, rotten, filthy minions :twitch: :hahano: :roll:
  10. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    In the idea of a low level adventure... the traders could send you there first as an entrance into TOEE... just dummy down the fights and make potions of healing available in the treasures... or turn it into a training area, and not award any XP.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    HK, inasmuch as we're trying to deal with the whole imbalance issue that our mods have brought about, we really shouldn't entertain the idea of adding more stuff to the game. That would only make things worse. What I was hoping for from krunch was to maneuver HB around so that the impact on balance would lessen, but also so that we wouldn't have to get rid of it, which would be pretty unfair. Also, HB as is doesn't align with the Hommlet fedexing at all - the two things occur at drastically different levels and parts of the game.

    Also remember guys that krunchie says no-go on redesigning HB as a low-level adventure. But if his absence persists, at some point it will fall to us to decide what to do with HB, as something has to be done with it for balance reasons. At that time we could decide to redesign HB ourselves for low level action, or we could also remove it from the modpack and release it as a standalone adventure. If that were to happen, an alternative early game adventure could be added, provided there is merit in offering such a thing as an alternative to fedex quests, which is what Ted is trying to get feedback on.
  12. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Ok. :doh:
    I'll take a look at the books for a list of "fixed" damages and all that stuff. That should solve a lot of the imbalance problems.

    I still think that the main issues are the tons of available items. And the damned crafting feats won't help in that matter...
    Sure, the new stuff it's really cool, but it should be available via console or as unique items.
    Another option should be to leave those items but made them appear randomnly: for example, X chest that gives X weapon/coins, the next time would give X armor/coins or another combination...so, instead of adding treasure, you get different stuff.
    So, if there are 10 chests, with 10 new items, leave just 5 chests, but the chance to get randomly the 10 items (thus, some items won't appear)

    I personally found the Nodes easy, even in vanilla ToEE. The air and water node where a walk, the earth was annoying, and the fire was a pain, but none of them could be tagged as "hard" as elemental planes should be.
    I agree that they should be rebalanced.

    Aaah, i didn't get the alternative part...well, that's not a bad idea...

    blood thirsty people could make their way thru the HB to Nulb, or have the matchmaking as usual, that's what you meant?

    "where can i get some adventures?"
    "well y'now, there are lots of problems in a village..."
    "if you think that making everyone walks hand in hand in the town, then forget it"
    "hum, i see...well, if you're looking for troubles, there's a place..."
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Aye, don't forget the weapon stat fix project.

    I think you're probably right that this contributes to imbalance in its way, but the new major expansion implications for added XP are quite clear. We'll likely take a look at all our new stuff sometime down the road too, at any rate; like with HB, I don't want to get rid of it outright, but much of it should be removed as quest treasure and the like (see HB again, coincidentally), and some of the really egregious stuff should be console-only.

    Did you find the Co8 nodes easy? I was of the impression that our toughening up of the guardians made them quite hard. Either way, I have no intention of attempting to balance anything that we didn't unbalance in the first place, so the nodes probably won't be on the list. Just HB, Verbobonc, and MR realted stuff, tbh.

    Not exactly ... the repositioned HB or new mod that might go in its place would be a low-level adventure theoretically - I'm talking 0 and 1 - and it would be staged at the very beginning of the game so as to provide an alternative, with an equal amount of XP and level-gaining, for people who can't stand the agony of another fedex romp through Hommlet, or who want to RP evil a bit more appropriately. So it would not be go to new HB then go to Nulb, it would be go to new HB then go to Moathouse, or Emridy Meadows, or the Deklo Grove. See? :)
  14. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Yup, and that's my point: the Nodes are easy, but the guardians a though PITA. You just breeze thru them tho hurry and kill the boss after a few buff spells.
    Vanilla Nodes where a bit hard cos you lacked the needed equipment (frankly, i think that nodes and guardians are way too much for ToEE, as it's IMPOSSIBLE to kill a balor or galbrezu with a 5-8 party of 10 lvl, even with frag or scath), but with the adecuate knowledge of creatures and crafting feats where a cake.
    Now, you don't even need to craft: you've got an arsenal of items.

    Lol, yeah, i meant that. :)
    I usually think on 3 chapters: Hommlet, Nulb, and the Temple.
    I think it's abit hard for starter charcters: a javelin could kill instantly the thoughest dwrf barbarian. That just counting normal enemies, cos the trio of orcs (the witch, the double axe orc etc) could easily whipe out an entire party. And then it's the fiendish minotaur.

    Beware, Longwinded analysis ahead

    All in all, HB it's balanced IMHO at the point it's found (not the loot, it's too much power), but i've found Verbobonc really easy (sorry Allyx :errf: ) but with a bit of leveling up of the creatures (specially the drows dammit!) it should be Ok (to be on the final stages of the game). And Moathouse respawn it's nice, but again, the loot it's too much; it isn't a difficult battle, but after the HB and this, you end way too much equipped (even my bard has two powerful magical weapons and enters melee combat!)

    I understand that the xp added it's a main "problem", but frankly, if you're 20 level but have only two holy weapons, Frag or Scath and a few more magical items/armors, the final battles (nodes, guardians and Zuggy) won't be that easy.

    Right now i've just arrived at Falrinth's lair, and didn't finished to explored yet the 1ยบ level, and i have a two-wielding barbarian with the sword of fury and sword of chaos,the gun, all the most lighter and heavy powerful armors from Ah Fong, tons of potions/scrolls, magical wands/staves, two rings for each charcter...and much much more stored througout the chest cos i don't have available slots to equip them.

    I don't find enemies easier cos i'm high level (barely 7), but cos the weapons have huge bonus to hit, and do huge amounts of damage (sword of fury it's a killer), so two three hits and a nasty, powerful creature like a Bodak it's out (tipically, a Bodak can be a single enemy for a full party).
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sure, blame my stuff! :suprised:

    You are quite right about unbalanced items: that will be dealt with (at least the stuff I put in).

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