Unfixed problems?

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Ausir, Nov 11, 2003.

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  1. jkhristian

    jkhristian Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    Not really a bug but according to my D&D books (players handbook, enemies and allies etc.) Regdar's starting feats should include Weapon Focus Greatsword. But for some reason they have him with greataxe.
    Just a minor thing.

    I originally made a mistake. Originally it was bastard sword in 3.0 but since 3.5 certain things have been made canon he now has Greatsword instead. According to 3.5 rules and Wizards of the Coast Website.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2005
  2. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    In case it hasn't been reported:
    Equip an unenchanted hand weapon. Equip a quiver of +1 Arrows. Hit something. Look at the damage breakdown. On my current install, the +1 Arrows are adding +1 to the damage my Fighter does with her unenchanted Great Sword.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Whats a regdar? Seriously, if there is a prob with starting feats, some people here will certianly jump straight on it.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I think Regdar's one of the pre-generated characters.
  5. jkhristian

    jkhristian Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    Correct. In fact all of the pregenerated characters are the Iconics. They are kind of like the poster boys for 3rd Edition D&D. Regdar, Tordek, Krusk, Mialee etc.
  6. ordinaryjones

    ordinaryjones Established Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I decided to check what stats hill giants have after playing with Cujo's mod and noticed they all have cha 17 rather than 7 as they should. I have patch2, co8, Livonya's and Cujo's mod installed. I also have the fix for Drifter's hp mod installed.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2005
  7. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    The Magic domain does not allow the use of Arcane scrolls or items.
  8. NilVideo

    NilVideo Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Does anyone know if the bug which prevents great spell focus from working has been fixed? Or if it's even fixable by non-Atari/Troika?

    (I noticed that my Sorcerer had the wrong DC for Tasha's laughtrer. After reading WAAAY too many messages on this thread I saw this error listed and realized this was the cause for the discrepancy)

    Speaking of Tasha's laughter, is there anyway to change the spell so that it doesn't change the DC if you cast it against non humanoids but instead gives them a bonus to resist, as per the spell description? To clarify:

    I cast tasha on a humanoid: DC 19
    I cast tasha on a troll: DC 15

    Ideally it would be DC 19 for both of them, and the troll would simply get +4 to the list of factors that improve his save.

    Why is this relevant? When I first played the game I thought the spell was useless until I finally deduced that my DC was being pounded by the critter not being 'the same type'. This is difficult to first guess since you can't click on DC to see a breakdown on it, like you can for the resistance roll.

    Anyway, cheers on all of the work that's gone into this!! :notworthy
  9. Blair

    Blair Unwanted Construct

    Aug 19, 2005
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    All right! *cracks knuckles* QA Blair here to give you even more things to fix! :evil_laug

    Now having completely gone through the game multiple times with all the new material installed, here's the list of previously unmentioned (as far as I know!) issues and inconsistencies I've found.

    1. The periapt of wound closure is supposed to be a necklace, but the equipment screen treats it as a ring.

    2. Sargen has the same "phase-out" issue as Zaxis, but apparently only if you exit the Temple proper by using a teleportation spell/device. I.e., he's supposed to be gone, yet mouseover his location still shows the select ring, and animation for his Mage Armor spell and anything else you tossed on him continues.

    3. If your party's collective Survival skill exceeds a certain amount (I think it's a total bonus of +21) and you avoid a random encounter, the "marching" sound of progress across the World Map stops about half the time after the point where you avoided the encounter. This isn't a big problem, it's just annoying and I can't see anywhere in the encounter code that should be causing it.

    4. Critical hits with the Scorching Ray spell do only half damage (roll breakdown displays 2d6, rather than the 8d6 that should be rolled).

    5. Searing Light does not inflict proper (increased) damage against some undead creatures, most notably the Groaning Spirit.

    6. As long as we're mentioning the Groaning Spirit, I see that it (and other spellcasting undead such as Bodaks) are using a Constitution modifier of -5 when attempting defensive spellcasting. Undead are supposed to use Charisma as the modifier for Concentration checks, since they have no Constitution score. Even if the game can't handle that, they should use a modifier of 0, which is what the modifier for having no score in an attribute is treated as in both 3.0 and 3.5. It's kind of sad to see a banshee that can't successfully wail get waxed with ease by my 3rd level party. If this can't be corrected directly, we could simply give them a racial bonus to Concentration checks to make up the difference to where the skill modifier ought to be.

    7. Regeneration is not allowing saving throws to reduce damage in some circumstances. I equipped my party with Periapts of Healing, only to find that they would make their saves against area effects using lightning or cold, yet take FULL damage... as nonlethal of course, but enough of that still results in unconsciousness... The problem here is that the damage is converted to nonlethal type before save adjustment is applied, which means the success or failure of the save is meaningless. This may explain why using Cone of Cold against trolls has been so ridiculously effective in the past. I fear this may be hardcoded and difficult to fix, unless of course it's an issue with the Periapt itself specifically rather than the Regeneration quality as a whole.

    8. Shiningted's present of "silver bolts +1" actually are +3 according to the roll breakdowns. :dribble: I'm not complaining, but they should be labeled correctly.

    9. I have no issue with Dismissal not working against elementals inhabiting the Nodes; as far as I'm concerned it's completely appropriate to see a "Target not extraplanar!" message there. But Senshock's elementals, whether in his bedroom or in the Greater Temple dome, are OBVIOUSLY not native to the prime material plane. Dismissal should function against them, no matter how long-lasting his summoning magics are.

    10. The bonuses granted by the bardic music ability Inspire Courage are supposed to increase to +2 at bard level 8. Even the Atari manual says so. They do not.

    11. There are loads of problems with damage resistance and damage reduction. Efreeti read in the damage breakdown as having DR 769/- (!!!) but it doesn't seem to do anything. Bodaks and galeb duhr apparently apply different damage reductions as a stack against the same weapon hit; this results in having to smack a galeb duhr for more than 30 points of damage with a weapon to see any hurt getting through. Lastly, in some cases spell damage seems to be getting stopped when it shouldn't. Eyes of the deep, glabrezu, Zuggtmoy, and my characters with resistance to cold were ignoring the divine damage from Flame Strike. That just ain't right, since the whole point of that spell is that the divine damage is not reduced by ANYTHING, except of course dodging the whole thing (with evasion). DR also seems to be getting applied against physical damage from spells inappropriately--here, let me quote the rules directly:

    "If a dash follows the slash..." (as in, #/- damage reduction) "...then the damage reduction is effective against any attack which does not ignore damage reduction." Italics added by me for emphasis; that is from page 291 of the DMG.

    "Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even nonmagical fire) ignore damage reduction." Once again, italics mine; page 292 of the DMG.

    I think some of the coding for monsters has taken shortcuts with their energy resistance, which is NOT the same as damage reduction. It is similar, but only applies to energy damage, magical or not. This is resulting in aberrations such as the ones mentioned above, and creatures with even minor DR not suffering any of the bludgeoning damage from Ice Storm! Humbug. The easiest workaround for this may be to convert those hail stones to do "force" damage, a la Magic Missile. Technically inaccurate, but if it's the simplest way to have the damage actually penetrate, oh well.

    ... :nosebleed

    So! If that's not enough for everyone to think about, I'll keep playing with different party alignments and see if I can break any quests nobody has damaged yet. Hopefully the above are all the "mechanical" difficulties that remained to be uncovered.

    "But I don't want to go in the cart!" "Shut up, you'll be stone dead in a moment."
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmmm some useful feedback... thanks :)
    Yup, they've got 3's across the proto all right. Dunno how that happened. I'll clean it up.
  11. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    What about un-stickying the "Unfixed problems" thread? It's become so huge that browsing it gives you a headache. A lot of the posts are obsolete. Many of the problems listed as unfixed have actually been fixed in the meantime. Besides, we have a Co8 4.0.0 bug list thread for the new stuff.
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sure :) I doubt anyone uses it.
  13. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I use it.... it comes up when I search for info a lot.

    Just as long as this thread doesn't ever completely go away :)
  14. nomad461

    nomad461 Member

    Nov 2, 2005
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    @Donovan - IIRC one the wonderful modders here removed the XP gain from chests, but couldn't remove the message about the XP gain.
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