Cannot get Preston Wetz to sell me a house

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by blackfly, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I am playing through a 5.5.0 version (for the War of the Golden Skull content) and am in Nulb, level 4. I have completed the Mona Quest, Serena Quest and Porky's Revenge Quest. Moreover, I have a Grud Buddy Rep. I cannot get Preston to sell me the house in the dialogue. I keep getting responses such as "I have fixed Mona's money problems, you should be able to collect from her now" but nothing about a cottage. I have played through many times and cannot figure this one out. It is like his dialogue is stuck in a loop. Any ideas/comments/solutions. I want the cottage as it is the only way to resolve the "Target of Revenge" reputation, and frankly, I like the fight.
  2. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    You have to talk to him again after you close the dialog window and it will become an option.
  3. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I though so, but I keep getting the same dialogue screen, the same options. I cannot get the option to buy the house from him (where you can barter it down to 500 gp). I have gone to Hommlet and back, rested, gone to other venues, but no go. I really want Rannos and Gremag dead, not only for the fight but the gold/items would be useful.
  4. acemcjack

    acemcjack Member

    Aug 15, 2009
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    Have you talked to Otis the smith? IIRC, he's the one who tells you about the house being available in the first place.
  5. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    I didn't know that Otis would be the one to mention that Preston has a house for sale. I never talk to Otis until AFTER I have purchased the house (at the discount). In fact most times when I go to Nulb my "walkthrough" is as follows. Arrive in Nulb, go to the Hostel, wipe out Rentsch, Wat, and company, talk to Preston, talk to Mona, talk to Serena,, buy Serena's freedom, wait until evening, get the orb, give the orb to Mona, talk to Preston, and buy the house. You will notice that I haven't even done the "Grud's Fish Story", and I am still able to buy the house from Preston for 500 GP.
    The Royal Canadian
  6. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    You can trigger the house option without speaking to Odis also.

    I've gotten the house from him without ever speaking to the smith.

    btw, did you spend the 500 gold to free the girl standing behind Mona, (her name escapes me)?

    Maybe she needs the gold to pay him off so he can get his tooth fixed, these are assumptions on my part mind you. ;)
  7. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Played through many times, done all the options mentioned.

    I think the dialogue is stuck, or has not registered the "deeds" necessary to trigger the house buying option. I really want the house only for the fact the fight with Rannos and Gremag (in this game) is very important to me.
  8. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    THe only thing I can think of is there must be a bad file somewhere in your system. I just did a test in 5.8.0NC and had no problems buying the house for 500GP. Below is my "walkthrough":

    1.) Travel to Nulb (avoiding a pair of Ogres on the way)
    2.) At the signpost, select "Residential Area": Talk with P.W., accept the "Tooth of Pain" quest.
    3.) Access World Map, travel to "Nulb", use sign ot get to "Boatman's Tavern".
    4.) Accept Mona's quest. (One interesting dialogue note: when asked what the building behind her is, Mona refers to it as a "Brothel" is Lodis selling services too ??)
    5.) Use World Map and signpost to get to "Waterside Hostel", caught Dalia thieving, and cleaned the place out.
    6.) Went outside the Hostel and waited until Evening
    7.) Entered the Hostel, spoke with Mickey, and bought the Orb from him.
    8.) Used the World Map and the signpost to return to the Tavern and gave the orb to Mona.
    Note: I did speak with Serena but did NOT purchase her freedom.
    9.) Went to the house where Preston stays at night, told him that Mona should be able to pay, and then bought the house for 500 GP.
    Attached is a screenshot of the Dialogue box after buying the house.
    The Royal Canadian

    Attached Files:

  9. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I cannot get him to offer the house for sale, despite all efforts.

    Does anyone know how to console in dialogue/crack into the game to get it done. I know you can console reputations but dialogue options?
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Open the console and enter the following code:

    game.global_flags[94] = 1
    Now you own the house.
  11. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Thanks again Gaear. I consoled it in and got my encounter. Perhaps you could make a list of consoles and what they do for such occasions in the future....... time costly I know but I think it would aleviate a lot of hassle.

    Thanks again.
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