Bug: Wizard level ups

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by kylan271, Oct 17, 2012.

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  1. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Sorry,this is not to cause distress,nor did I do anything 'illegal'. Just to point out a design flaw in the game parameters. I am an experienced gamer since Judge guild days,so have been using various ways where possible to raise funds for each game adventure,and making money via spells is one. The spells were purchased via shop without cheats via starting money&selling bless waters,and + from game start spell selection.

    Just a query as to why one can't level up if spells already learnt?

    Cheers. ^_*
  2. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Can you please explain how deliberately using your omniscience to affect the way you play the game doesn't count as cheating?

    You spend about a month producing holy water and buying scrolls exploiting two glitches in the computer program 1. That it is profitable and 2. That the NPCs in the world outside do not develop while you are doing so.

    In Pnp D&D any self respecting DM would level up Lareth, Kobort and Co. to reflect their intervening adventures if their players behaved in this manner
  3. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I'm guessing that the game assumes that as a first level noob that you still have something to learn, hence the empty slots for 1st lvl spells after attaining a new level. Really now, in any PnP or CRPG that you've ever played, has a character EVER started out with every known skill or spell? What fun would that be? Making things too easy- or too easily available- ruins the intention of the games creators, which is that you find, build, explore and grow your character/characters- not that you start off as Superman.

    There's a reason most TOEE players don't use the point buy exploit to give every character an 18 stat- it makes the game boring and far less challenging. I'm not going to say that I haven't bought as many scrolls for my wizards as I could- I did- but I never tried to learn ALL of them, even though I tend to be something of a completionist. Indeed, despite all of the spells available, there are only a few that get used on a regular basis and that are useful throughout the game, even as 1st lvl spells- why waste the time and money to learn these spells when you most likely will never use them, unless you simply want to see how all of the different spells work? If you wanted to do that, then why not just have more than 1 wizard and have them split the spell learning duties?
  4. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Good points,but I was actually experimenting trying to save money without console when I found the glitch-having protect vs good spell etc and detect secret doors which does not work is wasteful I know. I had two spell users before and got the same problem-each share the spells another does not have,but thought it a Mod only fault as using earlier Mod.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It looks like the real bug here is that you are able to sell anything back to the shop chests at all. They are set not to buy anything, but I see that despite that, they will buy stuff you bought in the shopmap. Stupid ToEE. :blegh:

    Anyway, you might as well give this up, kylan271. No one is going to hack the .dll to make sure you can't screw yourself in this fashion. If you don't want to get hung up on leveling, don't buy and learn all the scrolls and spells at level 1.
  6. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Personally, I like the option to sell things back to the shop chest, because you can't see any info on the weapon/armor until you buy it and it's in your inventory.

    You know, shift&left click.

    I have bought a few things by mistake that my guy wasn't proficient with.
  7. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I think the easiest way to 'fix' this is to take away the rest option at the shop and giving only a 1 time only chance to learn a spell at 1st lvl- that or restrict the ability to learn spells from scrolls at 1st lvl to 1 a day. I t would help protect people from their worst enemies- themselves...:)
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Ahh, but this is the conundrum that has faced civilization from it's earliest days.

    Do we give people freedom and choice, or do we decide what they are qualified to choose for themselves?

    Choice without consequences, (either good or bad) is in fact, no choice at all.
  9. SCO

    SCO Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    It ruins the game when that same situation happens not on level one but on a later level by some combination of leet INT+ items or actually, if the person does 'cheat', like if it was a fucking crime, pardon my french.

    Come on, i'm sure you realise that these suggested hacks (disable resting for instance) are only workarounds for the actual, real bug on the executable window routine that disables the forward button until you 'fill all slots' because of inept troika coding that tried to hold the player hand and failed epically.

    If you don't have the capabilities to fix it due to not having a hacker or time, just admit it and put the bug in the 'would be nice to fix' category, don't dismiss it out of hand.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  10. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Aghhhh so that was the difference,with the shop sell/buy. I used an earlier Mod and can't recall the option? On 7.4 now,finding little money I tried various ways to save money.

    And yeah,Ok I was greedy and brought all the PRECIOUS...for Spugnoir...he made me do it!

    #As for Bless Water,I checked the manual and it is to do with the rules on material components. It is page 118 of the manual,ie under 100gp is at no cost. To give it xp/gp cost requires it to be as a 'potion'. So perhaps one version for spell and another for potion?

    Ok,so sorted out. Just don't overeach on the spells,or get bitten in the rear end later.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What legit combination of intelligence and items can actually get you to that point? I've never heard a single other player complain that they couldn't level up to 20 within normal parameters. As to the cheating question again, sorry, we're not going to accommodate it. End of story.

    Pointless to argue as we won't be hacking that any time soon, but why is that also a bug? A bug is an error, not something you dislike. I assume Troika wanted it just that way.

    You haven't yet made a convincing case that it's a bug so let's not get ahead of ourselves, lol. And even in your perfect scenario where we 'admit' it and ignore it, how is that any different than what we're doing now? You seem to be engaged in a bizarre semantic argument that if won would result in ... nothing changing. Kind of a waste of time and breath in practical terms. :p

    Really SCO, it's Not. That. Big. A. Deal. And we're not horrible monsters for focusing on real bugs that actually affect people. Get over it.
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