Project Jerkstop: The Final Solution

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Mar 14, 2012.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    EDIT - Jerkstop is dead. It was caused by the use of the tutorial popup boxes in Hommlet.

    Okay people, we need volunteers to test Project Jerkstop: The Final Solution.

    What is the final solution to jerkstop, you ask? Well I don't know, but I hope we'll find out so we can put it to bed once and for all and get a release out (hopefully by v8) that no longer features it. I have some ideas that I am at least reasonably hopeful will pan out, and they are not based on fantasies but basic deduction.

    To this end we need a pool of volunteers, preferably around 10, who will bravely test various beta releases to whittle down what works and what doesn't and then whittle it down some more until we have something real. These releases will range from control groups testing pre-jerkstop releases of the mod (like v3.0.4) to various other custom betas, like ones with all Hommlet mobs removed or various stages thereof, etc.

    All that is required to participate in this noble work is a predisposition to experience jerkstop, a brave heart, and an unbridled hatred for having your game sullied by this terrible affliction.

    So come together for the big win and sign up here. This probably won't start for a while yet but we should get the ball rolling nonetheless.



    1. gazra_1971
    2. GuardianAngel82
    3. emo_ome
    4. FredSRichardson
    5. _
    6. _
    7. _
    8. _
    9. _
  2. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I volunteer to be one of the beta testers. I have experienced jerkstop in Hommlet using my computer (which is unchanged since I experienced the jerkstop, except for the version of the Circle of Eight Modpack NC that is active on my computer, that is).
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks gazra. :thumbsup:
  4. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Well, since I was the first to complain about it, be misunderstood and ignored, gave it the name "Jerkstop", campaigned to explain which phonomenom it referred to, participated in previous attempts to fix it (signpost) and generally have had all my games messed up by it for years to the point I don't play it much any more, and, of course, to bump this thread...uh...where was I going with this?

    Oh, yeah! Gaear, I'll help out with this, especially since I'm a prime beneficiary. :yes:

    Come on folks! It's easy. All you do is download and add a file, or delete a file, then say if it worked. MAYBE you might answer a few questions. G man can't do it all. He's too busy wasting time with all the new stuff. :joy:
  5. emo_ome

    emo_ome Butcher Of Hommlet

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I'll join too. :yes:
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Cool, the team is coming together. Thanks guys. :thumbsup:
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Need MOAR testers. I promise this will not be painful for you (no more painful than playing the modpack is now anyway). All you will do is play (test) version x of the modpack and report whether you get jerkstop or not. This will help everybody and is a necessary thing - it's not something I can test internally with any level of reliability. Sign up!
  8. Mensch86

    Mensch86 Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I'd like to help out, but I wanna finish my current game before installing new mod versions. It's my first time that far into the game.
  9. m452shakespeare

    m452shakespeare Member

    Mar 9, 2012
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    Well, since my game just hit a brick wall because of it, I'm in.

    I only hit it in Hommlet during WotGS, so any feedback may have to wait till then.
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks guys. Bear in mind that if you sign up, you'll be expected to ... 'deliver,' basically. Not trying to be snarky but a lot of times people just play and go, so we need ya for the long haul. (Long haul doesn't mean years or anything, but I fully expect us to be testing this over a period of weeks at least, after it starts. So if we start it in, say, two weeks, and it goes on for four weeks, that's at least 6 weeks. Are you good for that?)
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Bump ... still need more testers.
  12. Obadiah

    Obadiah Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    I'm terrible at modding, and adding and deleting files, but I'll help test it out. I'm not sure I want to stop jerking though.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Cool, thanks. :)
  14. tom

    tom Established Member

    May 8, 2007
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    I am afraid I can’t help with the testing as I am currently trying to reduce my compulsive game playing however I was wondering If sharing my personal experience with jeckstop might help.
    Computer – Samsung nc20 notebook –

    • Screen: 12.1” LED WXGA (1280 x 800)
    • CPU: VIA Nano™ ULV Processor U2250 (1.3+GHz, 800MHz)
    • Chipset: VIA VX800 Unified Digital Media IGP Chipset
    • Graphics: Integrated VIA Chrome9™ with DirectX 9.0 3D graphics support and hardware video acceleration
    • OS: Microsoft R Windows XP Home Edition
    • Memory: 1GB DDR2 (1*SODMM)
    • Storage: 160GB HDD (9.5mmH 2.5’’HDD, SATA)

    Two different experiences one defiantly jerk stop one might be something different.

    War of the golden skull, Homlett. Single character with 2-3 summoned/charmed henchmen / henchcreatures.

    I think that Sneak mode was off but my memory is not too clear on this point.
    Encountered severe jerks top towards the edges of the map – particularly bottom left.
    I discover that toggling to combat mode allowed my character free movement – no jerk. But as soon as combat mode ended jerks top returned.

    I have also encountered something that looks similar when trying to move charmed henchmen while sneaking. They will move a little way then freez in place. Turn the sneak of and they move fine.

    I hope this helps

  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay people, it looks like we are going to be limited to six (hopefully) testers. That will be a bit thin but we'll have to make do. It does mean that the six of you will probably have to test a bit more rigorously.

    To that end, I think we can start with the initial testing, which is simply to verify that jerkstop is limited to versions 5.5 and onward (so that we can conclude that it was something added or changed in v5.5 that caused it).

    So, please do the following:

    gazra_1971, emo_ome, and m452shakespeare: please download, install, activate, and play Co8 v3.0.4. It can be found in the downloads forum. It exists in the form of a regular module (like any of the modern ones), so you simply install and activate it like any other modpack.

    GuardianAngel82, Mensch86, and Obadiah: please download, install, activate, and play Co8 v4.0.1. It can be found in the downloads forum. It exists in the form of a regular module (like any of the modern ones), so you simply install and activate it like any other modpack.

    All - just play normally (whatever that means for you) and watch out for and report any instances of jerkstop. There is no need to report any other bugs. The only purpose of this testing is as regards jerkstop, period.

    Please report your findings here. If there is no JS seen (as I suspect), we'll move onto various other forms of testing with the modern modpack.


    p.s. - Testing these versions of the modpack (or any of the testing we do here) does not mean that you have to play the entire thing, start to finish. You can if you want, obviously, but the only thing really necessary is to test only so far as you would normally expect to have encountered JS in your various personal experiences.
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